Basics 101
Final project summary
Inserts page events
Sending emails with sap api
making a front end
making a frappe gantt charts
classic studio
class1 making tables
getting user details from a session
doing calculations with php and jquery
aligning input fields and adding list icons
hiding input fields with jquery based on a condition
dependent looup fields part 1a
dynamic lookup part2 with jquery calculations
getting the difference in two dates with jquery
grahps (part 1a),masks and record counts
graphs part 1b
adding a css theme to phprad
wahome min class intro
admin lte cards
make adminlte custom tables
allow theme changing from withing the project
Character counter
Project 1
class 1 making tables
class 2: make stuff table and fields algnments
class 3: more tables and navbar setting
class 4: finalizing tables and custom views
class 5: making report charts
class 6: setting up roles
class6 -part2 :roles setup continuatio/recap
class:7:adding shadows and edits
class:8: making thew admin dash
class:9:make a multi dashboard for customer
class 10" making the staff dashboard
class 11: making the vendor dashboard
Final section
Teams- rounded buttons 01
Teams-part 2 tasks
Teams- dynamicrole and filter part3
Teams-listtablelogs part4
Teams- rating progress bar and permission part5
Teams-updates part6
Teams -insert page event part 7
Teams-intergrate disquss comments patr8
Delivery app
deliveryapp database creation
userroles management
rolebased lookup and math
status colors and insert in deliveries table
autodelete qty from products
deliveries update sales
8raddelivery hide edit for driver after complete